Thursday, 12 April 2012

K is for King's Bench.

Admittedly, there were very few words I could use for K, so I've cheated a tad. I got most of my information from the following website:

King's Bench (KB) refers to the Kings Bench Division of the High court. However, this changes depending on who the monarch is - if it is a male, it is the King's Bench Division, however we currently have a female monarch, which makes it the Queen's Bench Division.

There are three divisions in the high court; Queens Bench Division, Chancery Division and the Family Division. The main work of the Queen's Bench Division, not including specialist courts, consists of the following claims:

  • Personal Injury
  • Negligence
  • Breach of Contract
  • libel and slander (defamation)
  • non-payment of a debt, and
  • Possession of land or property.
There are certain claims that may only be brought in the Queen's Bench Division:
  1. Enrolment of deeds
  2. Applications for bail in criminal proceedings
  3. Registration and satisfaction of bills of sale
  4. Election petitions
(There are many more, however I've just listed 4 examples.)

Here is an updated court structure for the UK, found on google images (many old structures show the House of Lords as being the court at the top, however these are outdated as the Supreme Court is now our highest appeal court):


  1. Interesting to learn about the UK Court System:)thanks for sharing.
    Happy A-Zing!

  2. Interesting theme! There are lots of differences between UK and US law. I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month.
